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Karapan Sapi Tourism

Penulis : Unknown on Wednesday, November 13, 2013 | 2:23 PM

Karapan Sapi or Bulls Race in Madura East Java

Karapan Sapi Tourism is a cow race originating from the island of Madura, East Java, Indonesia Raya. Being held every August until September, the event is held in every village at Madura and become their famous tropical vacation destination. 

In Spain we can find out a matador who fight with a cow but in Madura we can see a cow racing. That racing is very fast and it takes only 10 to 15 seconds each racing. The length of this straight racing arena is about 100 meters. Usually, before racing those cows are gave a special drink that contain energy drink. That drink makes cows going crazy and then slow cows before change into a rapid racing cows.

The length of the route path Karapan Sapi Between 180 to 200 meters and its finished and can be completed within 14 to 18 seconds. Certainly a very fast pace cow – the cow, but jockey WHO shrewdness Sometimes bamboo used to tread the jockey floating in the water due to the rapid speed of the beef cow.

To gain speed and increase of the rate of the cow the jockey, the base of the cows That are fitted with a belt full of sharp spikes the which flicked his whip and the jockey WHO was also given a cow’s rump towards sharp Thorns. Of course these cuts will the make the cows run faster, but also cause sores around the cow’s ass. 

Proximity winners Sometimes the difference is very thin, indeed, They Often only within 1 to 2 seconds. Bull in Madura is a very unique show, in Addition to already Inherited one generation to the tradition is also preserved until now. These events serve as a tourism event in Indonesia, and not only local tourists from abroad witnessed this too many Karapan Sapi.
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